Saturday Mar 23, 2024

The GROklahoma Podcast Show | Navigating Intestinal Malrotation Together with Scientific Expertise and Maternal Compassion – The One with Dr. Martinez and Dr. Corcoran: Episode 7 (2024)

Being a new mom is tough but imagine having a newborn with health challenges beyond the ordinary. Today, we introduce you to Dr. Sydney Martinez and Dr. Katie Corcoran, two moms and researchers deeply immersed in unraveling the complexities of intestinal malrotation. Dr. Sydney Martinez, an Assistant Professor in Epidemiology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, and Dr. Katie Corcoran, a prolific researcher and professor of sociology at West Virginia University, share their tales of resilience, determination, and the power of community in tackling this condition.

Intestinal malrotation, a rare condition diagnosed within two weeks of birth in both their newborns, involves the intestines failing to rotate correctly during development, leading to severe gastrointestinal issues.

In this riveting episode, they recount their journey of resilience and community-driven research through the Intestinal Malrotation Patient Outcomes and Wellness Registry (IMPOWER). Through their unique blend of scientific expertise and maternal compassion, they challenge the medical community's assumptions about how surgical outcomes do not always translate to positive patient experiences, highlighting the need for a holistic approach to understanding and addressing malrotation.

In this episode, discover how community support has been pivotal in driving meaningful, patient-driven research through IMPOWER, and explore the potential of emerging technology in uncovering patterns related to intestinal malrotation.

Connect with their malrotation community below:



IMPOWER paper:

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It’s an honor to meet you. Thank you for listening. I will pass on your comment to them. Hoping you have a great day! Dr. Mo!

Tuesday May 28, 2024


These women are making history and speaking for the voiceless, we are blessed to have them. Thank you so much for sharing their work on your podcast. I am a new listener and also a malro warrior myself. 💜

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

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